ABC Pacific Northwest hosted their nineth annual Craft Championship at Camp Withycombe on October 10th for 3rd and 4th year HVACR and Sheet Metal Apprentices. This amazing event has grown significantly over the years – changing venues several times and now hosting hundreds of high school students who are bussed in to watch the event and participate in hands-on activities intended to get them excited about joining the trades. Hunter-Davisson, Inc. is proud to announce that three of our employees qualified to participate after having top scores on the written exams! Sam Follett, Dustin Layman and Christian Collingwood all competed for a chance to attend the National Craft Championship in February. Sam Follett took first place in a field of six finalists and will be headed to Vegas for Nationals in February! Great job guys and thank you for representing Hunter-Davisson in this great event. Special thanks to HD employees Ken Lindahl, Rusty Evans and Jason Breeze who volunteer to assist with the event each year!